Patient Feedback

"Twenty years ago I had a double masectomy and had reconstructive surgery with two implants [...]. I am going through the replacement process [...] and was given one of your pouches to use for the two drains I had after surgery. [...] What a godsend as I can remember how awkward it was twenty years ago to deal with [the drains] by pinning them to my clothes. Showering was also very difficult and inconvenient that way. [...] Your invention works wonders!"

"I underwent bilateral mastectomy and definitely struggled with the logistics of all those drains. I began reconstruction and was thrilled to have your product offered to me. It has made managing my 5 drains so much easier this time around."

"You provided me with some [samples] of your drain pouches and I would like to know how our hospital can obtain more of these... Our lovely ladies would greatly appreciate having them..."












[P401] Pink Breast Cancer Pattersonpouch

Pink Pattersonpouch

[W401] White General Surgery Pattersonpouch

White Pattersonpouch

Pricing and Orders

Order Information and Prices

Each pouch costs $19.99
Pouches are sold by the case (25 pouches per case): $499.75.

Volume discounts are available; please contact us for more information

Please specify:

[P401] Pink Breast Cancer pouch


[W401] White General Surgery pouch

Orders may be placed by phone, e-mail or fax and delivery arrangments can be made at that time.

In general, delivery can be arranged in 2 - 3 days.

Phone: (540) 520-3306


Fax Number: 866-563-6993